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Share Your Story!
Thank you for sharing your advice for National Nurses Week!
Please answer the questions below, and we look forward to hearing about your experiences.
The School of Nursing Team
*First Name
*Last Name
*Email Address
*What advice would you give to future nurses? (as they consider career, work, or educational opportunities in nursing)
Where are you employed? (If applicable)
*What is your job title?
*What are your credentials?
*Are you a graduate from the School of Nursing?
*Are you a graduate from the School of Nursing?
*Are you still in school?
*Are you still in school?
Which institution are you attending?
What program are you studying?
Tell us more about yourself. (Optional)
Call for Photos:
Submit up to 3 photos (of yourself or your team) to be included with our National Nurses Week feature:
Upload your photo for National Nurses Week here:
Upload your photo for National Nurses Week here:
Upload your photo for National Nurses Week here:
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*Would you like to learn more about the academic programs offered at the University of Rochester School of Nursing?
*Would you like to learn more about the academic programs offered at the University of Rochester School of Nursing?
Yes, Please!
No, I am already on your mailing list!
No, I don't think it's a great fit for me right now.
*Confirm Email Address
*Please select your program of interest
12 Month Accelerated Bachelor's Degree Program
24 Month Accelerated Bachelor's Degree Program
Accelerated Master's Degree Program
Advanced Certificate
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Master's Degree Program
Masters Direct Entry
MS-DNP Program
PhD in Nursing & Heath Science Program
Post BS-DNP Program
RN-BS Program
RN-BS-MS Program
Care Management Education Program
Legal Nurse Consultant Course
RN First Assistant Course
Medical Terminology Training Course
Online Prerequisite Courses (Health Care)
Non-Matriculated Course Registration
*Please select a major/concentration (up to 3)
*Please select a major/concentration (up to 3)
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care NP
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care NP
Clinical Nurse Leader
Family NP
Leadership in Health Care Systems
Nurse Practitioner
Nursing Education
Pediatric Acute Care
Pediatric NP
Pediatric/Neonatal NP
Psychiatric-Mental Health NP (lifespan)
*How did you hear about our programs?
Phone Call
Internet Search
Direct Mail
Friend/Colleague Referral
UR Nursing alumni referral
College/Graduate Fair
College/Recruiter Visit
National Conference
Event (Job Fair/School visit)
I work at URMC
I am a current UR student
I am a UR alumni
*Please tell us how you heard about our programs